November 28, 2013

Sri Kanaka MahaLakshmi, Visakhapatnam

This temple is located in the heart of the city of Vizag. The temple has a tradition of offering prayers to the goddess directly with no priest available for doing prayers exclusively.

From the local legends it is learnt that Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi Ammavaru is the family deity of the then ‘Rajas (Kings) of Visakhapatnam’. The locality where the idol was found is called ‘Burujupeta’ since it was near ‘Buruju’ , the ‘Fort', a place of residence of the then Vijyanagara Kings. It is learnt that in the year 1912 the idol of Goddess Sri Kanaka MahaLakshmi Ammavaru was taken out from the well and it was installed at the center of the road i.e., amidst the municipal lane. 

The municipal authorities, for the purpose of widening the road, have shifted the Idol from middle of the road to a corner of the road, and during the same period i.e., in the year 1917 the dangerous contagious disease ‘Plague’ spread over the town that lead to many deaths in Visakhapatnam village.The people of Visakhapatnam were afraid of the incident and thought the devastation was due to relocation of idol of goddess ‘Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi' and therefore, re-erected Ammavari (goddess) idol to its original place i.e. at the center of the road as it existed before and today. 

Owing to re-erection, the ‘Plague’ disease disapeared and normalcy was restored in the city. With this incident taken place, the villagers have a strong belief that the goddess showers her kindness and blessings on the city.Further, the people of the vicinity have strong belief that ‘Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi Ammavaru’ is the ‘MOTHER OF TRUTH’ and will always bless her devotees by fulfilling their wishes. 

The lady devotees who visit the deity of the goddess have a strong belief that the goddess would protect their partners (spouse) and bestow them with long life and relieve them (wife) from the mortal attachments while the husband is alive (Also called as "Sumangali" in local language). The women also carry their new born babies t the temple to get blessings from the goddess.

Visiting times

There are no visiting timings. The temple is open 24 hours for everyone. 
On Thursday's:- Devastanam will provide special darsanam There are plenty of buses that play from the city to this location. Local transport is also available.

Sri kanakamahalakshmi temple-vizag Photos

Sri kanakamahalakshmi Ammavaru,Vizag

 Goddess Kanaka Mahalakshmi in Saraswati Alankaram

 For wellbeingDevotees worshipping at Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi temple ahead of the Margasira Masam festival in Visakhapatnam on Friday.

Sri kanakamahalakshmi Ammavaru,Vizag

 kanakamahalaxmi temple

Margasira Masa festival of the Sri Kanakamahalakshmi temple. 

 Margasira Masa festival of the Sri Kanakamahalakshmi temple.

sri kanaka mahalakshmi temple umaprasanna 

Sri kanakamahalakshmi temple-vizag 

The temple of Goddess Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi will be decorated with silver ornaments on Ugadi Day. A silver `makara thoranam' and silver ornaments have been made with donations received from devotees

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